Come Experience the Hope!
There is no hopeless situation with GodSunday Worship 10 AM

New Hope Church exists to bring glory and honor to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by cultivating committed Christians to minister through Witnessing, the Word, Worship, and Work.
Morning Hope
M-F 6:30-6:45 AM
To exalt the Savior
To give unto the Lord the glory unto his name.
Brothers Build
Wednesdays 7 PM
Interactive Bible Study
Wednesdays 11 AM & 7 PM
Conference Line or Zoom
Spread the Hope
To aid in spreading the message, “there is no helpless situation with God.”
ABC DayCare & Preschool
M-F 6:30-5:30 PM
Teach the Found
To equip the body of Christ with the Word of God
Grief Share
Thursdays 6:30-8 PM
Interactive Youth Bible Study
6-6:30 PM Elementary
7-7:30 PM Middle & HS

New Hope Church
2855 Lake Helen-Osteen Road
Deltona, FL 32738
(386) 532-8291